Rete okouran dènye nouvèl APA ak dènye nouvèl medya entènasyonal yo k ap pale de travay APA ap fè a.
Chanjman yon peyi kòmanse nan òganize kominote yo. Si nou t ap gade tèt nou nan miwa pandan nou t ap ede kominote nou, moun ki bò lakay nou, kijan nou t ap wè tèt nou ?
Depi nan tan lontan, chatiman kòporèl la te toujou yon fòm vyolans kap fèt sou sanblab nou yo, epi jiskaprezan li rete yon fenomèn ki pran divès fòm nan sosyete 21èm syèk sa a.
Yonn nan aspè enpòtan ki genyen nan fòmasyon Anseye Pou Ayiti ofri anseyan-lidè yo pandan 2 lane se pedagoji aktiv.
Edikasyon se youn nan pilye ki pèmèt nou kreye baz pou demen miyò yon peyi. Nan APA nou kwè nou kapab travay ansanm ak kominote yo pou pote yon chanjman epi fè yon enpak reyèl.
Ane sa a nou ap komemore 221yèm lane Batay Vètyè ki te fèt 18 novanm 1803.
Ekipe 50 000 Sitwayen-Lidè pou yon demen miyò pou Ayiti : se gwo vizyon Anseye pou Ayiti genyen
Moun konpetan k ap kite peyi a ak konsekans sa gen sou Ayiti : Kijan Anseye Pou Ayiti mete sou pye yon nouvo apwòch sou edikasyon ak lidèchip
Moun konpetan k ap kite peyi a ak konsekans sa gen sou Ayiti : Kijan Anseye Pou Ayiti ekipe yon nouvo jenerasyon dirijan lokal
Ann Ayiti, lè nou pale sou aksè ak edikasyon nou souvan fè referans ak posibilite timoun yo genyen pou yo frekante yon lekòl kèlkonk.
Eko pase kolonyal Ayiti a gen yon gwo enpak nan sistèm edikatif ayisyen an, epi li kontinye ap kreye yon sik dezimanizasyon kote l ap efase idantite ayisyen an.
Lè m resevwa kesyon sou peyi nou Ayiti, se mo “odas” ki kapab itilize:
Odas pou kanpe anfas lòd mondyal, ki te makonnen ak esklavaj ak opresyon.
Odas pou vini premye repiblik nwa nan monn lan.
Bring yourself back to your elementary school days, learning the basic foundations for an education: becoming familiar with the alphabet, simple math equations, and more broadly learning how to engage with the world and those around you. Now, imagine if all of these lessons were taught in a language not your own. In fact, in a language spoken only by 5% of people in your country (2021, Foreign Policy). This is the reality for most Haitian children enrolled in their local education system, burdened with the legacy of French colonialism.
I was born in Haiti and came to the United States when I was 11 years old. Haiti is a beautiful country, and my childhood, in many ways, was terrific. However, I have also seen first-hand the challenges facing the Haitian education system, including low enrollment, poor literacy rates and a shortage of trained teachers.
Interviewed by Carel and Michel Montout on Chokarella, discussing APA staff roles and departments: Recruitment, Professional Development, and Ambassador Partnership
Listed in HundrED’s annual Global Collection highlighting 100 of the brightest innovations in K12 education from around the world identified based on their exceptional impact and scalability. Visit APA’s feature page here.
Interviewed by Agnieszka Bulacik, where Nedgine's collective leadership leads to healing past national traumas and using clear language like “decolonization” to inspire change and promote truth
A feature on Nedgine as a Dial Fellow and an education-justice advocate building a movement for educational justice and equity in Haiti
Nedgine’s talk on the skills children must develop and the importance of collective efforts in order to transform Haiti’s education system and Haiti’s future
Featured by Fenel Pierre, highlighting APA's transformational approach, fellowship programming and emphasis on community involvement in combating injustices in the education system